

Saturday, October 10, 2015

This last week in class, we learned about and discussed the topic of culture. Culture varies in every part of the world, and even within the same given country. Normally when I think of culture things such as Asia or Polynesia come to my mind. Places where there are maybe more obvious sides to that specific culture. However, each country, race, gender, and family has his or her own culture. Your family has a culture! Think about it. It may be in the traditions that you share, or in the way you treat others and the values that you have. These things are passed down generation to generation, and as we continue learning and growing, the culture evolves. It is incredible!

Often times we associate a certain culture with socioeconomic status as well. On the amount of money that one has, the image and behaviors that they carry, the way that they speak, education and even the location in which they live. I feel that more often than not, we form these labels mentally and we struggle to get over the fact that we are all children of God. We differentiate ourselves. Culture will always be a part of life. We cannot get rid of it. However, we can change it for the better. We can all evaluate ourselves, maybe even our families, and begin there. Are we passing on good values and culture onto to our posterity so that they have blessed lives? We choose what we pass on.

I hope that we can reflect on the differences in culture that we see around us, but that we can also find joy in those differences. We all have divine potential. We choose who we become, and what we will pass on for future generations.

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