

Saturday, November 28, 2015


When was the last time you thanked your dad for all that he does for you?

Often times we forget just how much our father does for us and our families as well as all that he teaches us. The role of a father is irreplaceable. Fathers teach us by their example in all aspects of life. We see the way that they interact with others and we too treat others the same. We learn to love and respect others by their example. Fathers have a responsibility to provide and protect their families. They can become more involved in their child's life and strengthen the relationship as fathers make the effort to spend time with their children. This shows the kids that their dad wants to be involved and loves them. In this way the father can learn more of his child like fears and dreams and sensitivities.

I am so grateful for my father and all that he has done for me and taught me. I hope that I will take after his good example as I have my family in the future. I know that his role in our home was significant and I am so grateful for all the sacrifices that he made so that we were comfortable and happy as a family.

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