

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Marriage is not a contract meant to be broken at the first sign of trouble. Nor should an individual do things to provoke conflict. Marriage is between a man and a wife, and God. They share an intimate relationship. They mean the world to each other. That relationship, is the most important and precious relationship that exists in the lives of the both.

Complete fidelity in a marriage is key to it being a success, and raising a happy family. According to Webster's Dictionary, fidelity is the quality of being faithful to one's spouse. In my class textbook it defines the different ways in which we can be unfaithful. There is physical infidelity, romantic, technology, visual and fantasy. Often times we tend to think that the only type of infidelity is the physical, or rather sexual relations with another individual. However, this is not true. For example, co workers that spend a lot of time together may begin to feel comfortable around each other. But that may then lead to sharing feelings and things that are close to the heart. Intimate things. Such  things are to be shared with your spouse, not just any person that you work with. We must be courteous at all times, but remember that those things that are close to your heart should be shared with your significant other.

This may bring up the concern of good friends. Your spouse, I believe, should be your best friend. All other relationships are second in line. It may be easy, or tempting to confide in someone outside of the marriage, but this is in no way helpful. Things that go on between a husband and wife and their family life, should be kept within those bounds. If we can remember to talk about our concerns with our spouse, we will be able to resolve issues much more quickly.  There is no reason to trash talk your significant other when something upsets you. Remember, you fell in love with them and decided to marry them for some positive, happy reason.

Infidelity hurts families. Not only the couple, which is primarily affected, but also posterity. I feel that if we can remember to keep the marriage relationship intimate, just between the two, the relationship will be much more successful. We choose our companion, so stick to them, cleave unto them, in every meaning of the word. Communication is essential! Be faithful!

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